Friday 21 February 2014

Day #5: 20/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 168.9lbs, 76.7kg.
Body fat: 35.0%
Lean mass: 109.8lbs, 49.9kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 3/4oz cheese.
Lunch: 1 tin mackerel; 1/2cup cream, 1tbsp cocoa, stevia.
Dinner: 192g beef steak, 1/2 cup cream, 14g almonds, 125g coconut cream (mmm curry).

Supplements: none.

Cigarettes: 6 roll ups.

Protein: 69.8g, 13%
Carbs: 29.2g, 4%
Fat: 214.9g, 83%
Calories: 2269kcal

Really good day today, protein and carbs both nice and low. Fat was ok, I guess, again not having supper becaue not feeling the need to.

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