Wednesday 19 February 2014

Day #2: 17/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 171.6lbs, 77.9kg.
Body fat: 35.5%
Lean mass: 110.7lbs, 50.2kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 28g whey, 1/2cup cream, 2 egg yolks.
Dinner: 200g chicken breast, 40% jar korma sauce, 2tbsp cream, 28g desiccated coconut.
Supper: 3/4cup cream, 1tbsp cocoa, 1tsp sugar (still no sweetener).

Supplements: none.

Cigarettes: 7 roll ups.

Protein: 80.7g, 14%
Carbs: 35.3g, 6%
Fat: 212.2g, 80%
Calories: 2337kcal

Again too much protein, from the chicken breast but I was at my mum's and she cooked chicken korma, not too bad though considering.

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