Sunday 23 February 2014

Fiancial Ruin

Sadly I can't afford to keep this experiment going any more, even though it costs me about £22 a week, I have lost my benefits and thus have no income at the moment so will be living on a menu I devised which costs £1 per day, consisting of mostly rice and lentils with some liver, eggs, etc as I will have NO money at all. Thank you all for following this short and enjoyable but sadly over journey.

Friday 21 February 2014

Day #5: 20/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 168.9lbs, 76.7kg.
Body fat: 35.0%
Lean mass: 109.8lbs, 49.9kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 3/4oz cheese.
Lunch: 1 tin mackerel; 1/2cup cream, 1tbsp cocoa, stevia.
Dinner: 192g beef steak, 1/2 cup cream, 14g almonds, 125g coconut cream (mmm curry).

Supplements: none.

Cigarettes: 6 roll ups.

Protein: 69.8g, 13%
Carbs: 29.2g, 4%
Fat: 214.9g, 83%
Calories: 2269kcal

Really good day today, protein and carbs both nice and low. Fat was ok, I guess, again not having supper becaue not feeling the need to.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Day #4: 19/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 169.6lbs, 77.0kg.
Body fat: 35.1%
Lean mass: 110.1lbs, 50.0kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 28g whey, 2 egg yolks, 1/2cup cream.
Snack: 1oz chili cheese.
Lunch: 1/2cup cream, 1tbsp cocoa, stevia.
Dinner: 1 tin mackerel, 1/2 sausage.

Supplements: none.

Cigarettes: 5 roll ups, 1 pre-rolled.

Protein: 70.9g, 14%
Carbs: 17.7g, 3%
Fat: 199.6g, 83%
Calories: 2134kcal

Better on the protein cos eating at home tonight. Bit low in fat/calories due to not having supper.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Day #3: 18/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 170.9lbs, 77.6kg.
Body fat: 35.3%
Lean mass: 110.6lbs, 50.2kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 35g whey, 1/2cup cream.
Dinner: 1 xl bacon double cheeseburger, no buns; 75g chorizo.

Supplements: none.

Cigarettes: 9 roll ups.

Protein: 98.5g, 22%
Carbs: 16.7g, 4%
Fat: 154.2g, 74%
Calories: 1853kcal

Waaaay too much protein, again cos eating out, and way too little fat because I didn't have a keto hot chocolate before bed.

Day #2: 17/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 171.6lbs, 77.9kg.
Body fat: 35.5%
Lean mass: 110.7lbs, 50.2kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 28g whey, 1/2cup cream, 2 egg yolks.
Dinner: 200g chicken breast, 40% jar korma sauce, 2tbsp cream, 28g desiccated coconut.
Supper: 3/4cup cream, 1tbsp cocoa, 1tsp sugar (still no sweetener).

Supplements: none.

Cigarettes: 7 roll ups.

Protein: 80.7g, 14%
Carbs: 35.3g, 6%
Fat: 212.2g, 80%
Calories: 2337kcal

Again too much protein, from the chicken breast but I was at my mum's and she cooked chicken korma, not too bad though considering.

Monday 17 February 2014

Day #1: 16/2/14

Morning stats:
Weight: 172lbs, 78.1kg.

Food, etc:
Breakfast: 3/4 cup cream, 1/2tbsp cocoa, 1tsp sugar (couldn't find sweetener).
Lunch: 2 McDonald's double cheeseburgers, no buns.
Dinner: 1/4 sausage, 1 tin plain mackerel.
Supper: 1/2packet sugar-free jelly, 1/2cup cream.

Supplements: 200ug selenium.

Cigarettes: 5 roll ups.

Protein: 79.3g, 14%
Carbs: 17.5g, 3%
Fat: 230.2g, 83%
Calories: 2438kcal

Little high in protein, as I was out in town today so had to rely on some fast food for fuel.

Friday 14 February 2014

Pre-Diet Weigh In (14/2/14)

Weight: 173 lbs, 78.6 kg
Body fat percentage: 35.5%
Lean mass: 111.6 lbs, 50.7 kg

Nutrient Allocation:
Protein: 70.0g (0.6g/lbs lean)
Calories: 2,533kcal (22.7kcal/lbs lean)
Carbs: <30g
Fat: rest of calories (>237g)

Why the delay?
I was ill, first with a cold, then my shingles came up, then I was staying with family so unable to start my diet.