Tuesday 21 January 2014


For the month of February I will be doing a nutritional ketosis (NK) experiment, and posting what I eat each day along with my weight, body fat percentage, and ketostix reading (I will not measure blood ketones). After the initial month, I will then decide whether to continue or not with the experiment for a further month, and so forth.

My aim is to lose weight while improving my metabolism and thus energy levels.  I currently weigh ~171lbs, with an ultimate goal of ~145lbs.

We only need about 0.6 grams protein per pound lean mass, as my lean mass is ~112lbs, this translates to ~67g protein a day. Also a healthy non-obese person burns 22.7 calories per pound lean mass (50kcal/kg), so this translates to ~2,542 calories a day. This puts protein at ~10-11% of calories. The rest will be mostly fat, with about 25-30 grams of carbs a day ideally.

I have worked out a menu I plan to stick to which is 71g protein, 25g carbs, 239g fat; or 11%, 4%, and 85% of calories respectively. This works out to 2,535 calories, very slightly low.

For those interested here's some ratios:
  • P:C:F = 1:0.35:3.37
  • P+C:F = 1:2.5
Here's the plan:

But Just What The Hell Is Nutritional Ketosis?

Nutritional ketosis is the state of ketosis arising from a ketogenic diet, rather than starvation or diabetic ketoacidosis. Phinney and Volek define it as having a blood ketone level between 0.5 and 3 mmol/L, which is lower than starvation ketosis (5-10) and much lower than diabetic ketoacidosis (10+).

This natural, healthy state of ketosis is achieved by primarily restricting carbohydrates in one's diet, but also restricting protein to a certain extent. Nutritional ketosis means relying on fat as your main fuel, rather than carbohydrates as in a 'normal' diet.

I will achieve this state by keeping protein to 0.6 grams per lbs lean mass, carbs to <30 grams per day, and the rest of by calories coming from fat.


  1. Not much meat on the menu but certainly seems like easy prep time. I'd go nuts without bacon though LOL

    1. Yes not much meat, protein is from whey, mackerel, and the high-fat low-carb pork sausage. I may deviate now and then but this menu will be the majority of the time. For example I'll be going to London one weekend for the WAPF conference and won't be taking my whey protein with me for the trip. I like minimal prep, I'm lazy like that :P
